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Whistle Blower
9 Views ยท 4 years ago

Recorded November 12, 2020

In conversation with Sarah Glover, veteran journalist and past president of the National Association of Black Journalists.

In 1990, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Les Payne set out on a nearly 30-year crusade to write the most comprehensive biography of Malcolm X ever attempted. Through painstaking research and exhaustive interviews with anyone he could find who knew the human rights activist, he sought to separate fact from fiction in order to offer a revelatory and wholly new portrait of this uniquely American icon. A former editor at Newsday, syndicated columnist, and a founder of the National Association of Black Journalists, Payne passed away in 2018 before completing his opus. His daughter and principal researcher Tamara Payne completed the work, which has since been named a National Book Award Finalist.

Whistle Blower
17 Views ยท 4 years ago

Join Tamara Payne, Les Payneโ€™s daughter and primary researcher, as she discusses "The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X" on P&P Live!

An epic biography of Malcolm X finally emerges, drawing on hundreds of hours of the authorโ€™s interviews, rewriting much of the known narrative.

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Les Payne, the renowned Pulitzer Prizeโ€“winning investigative journalist, embarked in 1990 on a nearly thirty-year-long quest to interview anyone he could find who had actually known Malcolm Xโ€”all living siblings of the Malcolm Little family, classmates, street friends, cellmates, Nation of Islam figures, FBI moles and cops, and political leaders around the world. His goal was ambitious: to transform what would become over a hundred hours of interviews into an unprecedented portrait of Malcolm X, one that would separate fact from fiction.

Introduced by Payneโ€™s daughter and primary researcher, Tamara Payne, who, following her fatherโ€™s death, heroically completed the biography, The Dead Are Arising is a penetrating and riveting work that affirms the centrality of Malcolm X to the African American freedom struggle.

Joe Davidson writes the Federal Insider, formerly the Federal Diary, a Washington Post column on the federal government. He is co-founder of the National Association of Black Journalists, a two-time Pulitzer juror and the recipient of numerous awards.

Whistle Blower
4 Views ยท 4 years ago

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I interviewed Jacie outside Busboys & Poets on 19 January 2009. In answer to the question, "what would you like to see on Jack & Jill Politics that you're not seeing?" he talked about the challenges of working with white liberals, whose intentions and partnership are necessary and welcome but who can never fully understand what it's like to be black

Whistle Blower
3 Views ยท 4 years ago

The philosopher and public intellectual Slavoj Zizek spoke at an event back in April 2019 about the problem of white liberals who feel that they can speak up for who they see as oppressed.

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Whistle Blower
6 Views ยท 4 years ago

Brendan Oโ€™Neill has criticised police officers for taking a knee in support of โ€˜Black Lives Matterโ€™ protests.

Speaking to talkRADIOโ€™s Mike Graham, the Spiked Online editor suggested officers authority had all but gone.

โ€œI thought it was such a fascinating and disturbing spectacle of where the stateโ€™s authority is at right now,โ€ he said

Thousands of Brits have taken part in anti-racism demonstrations following the death of George Floyd, despite lockdown restrictions still prohibiting gatherings of more than six people.

Boris Johnson has said that he respects peopleโ€™s right to peacefully protest but has urged campaigners to maintain social distancing rules.

Mr Oโ€™Neill also claimed that whiteness was being treated as โ€œsome kind of moral diseaseโ€, adding: โ€œGuilt-ridden white liberals love Black Lives Matter.โ€

โ€œThe speed with which the media went from frothing and raging over Dominic Cummingsโ€™ trip to Durham, to then cheering on - or at least not criticising - these people where it is far more than a gathering of six, itโ€™s like a pathological form of hypocrisy,โ€ he said.

Whistle Blower
8 Views ยท 4 years ago

"In this crooked game of power politics here in America, the Negro..namely the race problem, integration, civil rights issues..are all nothing but tools used by the Whites who call themselves liberals against another group of whites who call conservatives..."

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Whistle Blower
15 Views ยท 4 years ago

Zizek discusses the phenomenon of white liberal self-humiliation (excessively blaming themselves for the problems of minorities). More specifically, he argues that the denial of their own particular identity and the reaffirmation of the particular identities of ethnic minorities allows liberals to speak from a standpoint of universality from which they can make judgements and decisions for others.

Whistle Blower
5 Views ยท 4 years ago

Quick cut, strong truth.

Whistle Blower
5 Views ยท 4 years ago

Marshall Street in Smethwick in the West Midlands, earned a place in the civil rights movement, with a visit from the campaigner Malcolm X, when racism was rife in the 1960s.

People who live there now say overt racism has gone, but younger generations say they still face discrimination.

Our report includes language from the time that many viewers will find offensive.

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